Seaming Housewrap with Double Sided Tape

Using tape to seal seams in weather resistant barriers after wrapping is the best way to for achieving maximum benefit of an air and water barrier to protect the building envelope. This much we know for sure.
But did you know that double sided tape may actually be a more efficient option when it comes to seaming housewrap?
Building Envelope Specialist Bill Robinson shows us how.
Why Choose Double Sided Tape for Housewrap
Here’s the deal: single-sided tape used to seal housewrap may allow water to migrate behind the tape, and ultimately into the structure. Using a roller to bond the tape may help, but the better solution is to use double-sided tape as a house wrap tape so you can overlap seams and ensure no water gets through.
Robinson says, “The benefit of using double-sided tape for seaming house wrap is that the tape is not exposed. There is no fish-mouth, no UV degradation, and therefore no opportunity for the moisture intrusion.”
Of course, that idea is fraught with pushback.
“Obviously, seaming house wrap with double sided tape adds an extra layer of work, more attention to detail. A better product always does,” says Robinson. “Getting sub-contractors to do it consistently will be a challenge. And that attention to detail will come at a cost. Not only in labor, but the additional material cost per job site.
“Outside of contractors, housewrap manufacturers will be reluctant to spec out another product or installation step. Especially one that might affect warranties. For production builders, the pushback is financial, the additional labor and materials cost. It’s really marginal on a per-project basis, but it could add up to hundreds of thousands of dollars for the Lennar and Hortons of the world.”
Currently, there aren’t many manufacturers other than Tamlyn advocating for double-sided seaming tape that we know of. But there are companies investing in products like VaproShield, which is a housewrap that has an integrated adhesive on one side.
Bottom line: we’ve changed the way we’ve built. As we make house tighter, houses have to be built with a tighter attention to detail.
Seaming House Wrap with Double Sided Tape
Seaming housewrap with double-sided tape isn’t that different from regular seaming tape. The same rules apply.
Step 1: Clean the surface.
Step 2. Affix the double sided tape.
Step 3. Apply pressure.
Step 4. Peel back the release liner.
Step 5: Press the housewrap overlap into place using a squeegee or roller.
When it comes to applying pressure, Robinson recommends using a squeegee, roller or J-roller in long, even strokes. The appropriate amount of pressure will cause the aggressive adhesive on the seam tape to form a permanent bond with the housewrap within 72 hours.
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