Meet the Team – Sylvie Scrivo

McDonald’s introduced the McNugget. Flashdance and Return of the Jedi are box-office hits. Soccer moms rejoice as Chrysler starts production on the first minivans. Michael Jackson‘s music video for “Thriller” is broadcast for the first time. And Sylvie Scrivo started at ECHOtape.

In the 33 years since 1983, Sylvie greeted the ever-changing faces of clients and company representatives with a smile and an effervescent attitude. What makes her stay? Find out below!

Sylvie Scrivo, Senior Client Service Rep 
33 years with ECHOtape

What do you like most about your job? People. I love dealing with the people and working directly with the account reps. 

What has been the most enjoyable aspect of your years at ECHOtape? Working with great staff and the family atmosphere.

What’s one of your favorite experiences from your work life? When I went to pick up my new car with Stanley, one of the founders of ECHOtape, which I needed to start my new job has a saleswoman!

How would your co-workers describe you? Pleasant, and a happy person to work with.

What was the most interesting project that you ever worked on for a customer? Every day is a project always trying to keep our customers satisfied!

What are you most passionate about outside of work, but not involving your family? Reading and biking.

What are you most looking forward to? A European cruise, having a home condo in Florida and being able to take my grandchildren to Disneyland.


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