Holidays Without Borders

Reflection and anticipation. That’s what is going on right now at ECHOtape, and I would imagine, in your homes and businesses, too. As we think about the past year, and look forward to the next, there is no better time to say thank you. To you, our customers, for giving us the opportunity to serve you for more than 40 years. And, of course, to our employees, who have helped make 2018 an exciting year of growth for ECHOtape.
As many of you already know, rather than sending cards or generic gifts, we choose a charity that we believe betters the lives of children and families in need. We’ve been blessed to donate generously to The Special Olympics, The Children’s Wish Foundation, Free the Children, The One Drop Foundation, Plan International’s “Because I Am A Girl” campaign, AUTISM SPEAKS, and last year, the Red Cross. This year we have selected Doctors Without Borders to benefit from our donation.
Founded in 1991, Doctors Without Borders works in over 70 countries and has a mission to reduce suffering and provide medical care to people around the world. Doctors Without Borders’ charter states that it helps people regardless of race, religion or political affiliation. They focus on providing medical assistance to victims of armed conflict, people in areas infected with disease, victims of natural or man-made disasters, and those living in areas without established health care.
The Team at ECHOtape wishes you a very Happy Holiday Season, and a peaceful and prosperous New Year. May 2019 be a year without violence and hate, but respect and kindness toward each other.