Old School Traditions – ECHOtape’s Annual Yearbook

Every year it is one of the biggest days for our staff. There are whispers and giggles and outright laughs.  No, this isn’t the annual golf event or the Shave to Save fundraiser. (Although that’s fun, too!) We’re talking about the Annual ECHOtape Company Yearbook, published at the end of each year.  As with previous editions, everyone in the company contributes something — be it a personal profile, funny anecdote, awesome photos or a letter to share.  HR keeps the final project under a shroud of secrecy; no sneak peaks by company execs. In fact, not even our CEO sees the final cover! Yearbooks are handed out the day before Christmas, and like the best holiday gift, it’s a delightful surprise to everyone. Printed old school style — on paper! — it’s a loving, if not hilarious, snapshot of life at ECHOtape, and a tradition that we’re extremely proud to share.

Valuable Company Traditions | via TAPED, the ECHOtape blog

Here is what some of our staff had to say about the yearbook:

The best part? Getting to know our remote employees better!  We may talk to some, but we don’t get to see them throughout the year, so the Yearbook helps bring the team — no, the family — together. This year, I liked revealing things about myself that no one knew of me. With 24 years at the company, I have a lot of secrets. LoL  ~ Steve Underhill

Like Facebook and social media, we have a tendency to appreciate personal information about the people we know or work with. So it was interesting to learn new facts about our co-workers. It makes me feel that I’m part of a big family at a personal level. ~ Marc Grenier

It’s so nice to feel connected to our team across the globe. ~ Ashley Caward (CA) 

I have two favorites things every year: The encouraging words from admin, and the synopsis on the future of the company, a.k.a. the direction we are going towards.  Also, the pictures of the different activities we do throughout the year. ~ Mariella Puccio 

I was not the only one in my household who enjoyed reading the yearbook. My kids came in over the holidays and read it from cover to cover ….saying how original it was and got a kick out of the questions and answers. The format was unique.  ~ Kayla Greenberg 

So much fun! There are things here that we would never imagine from others!  Plus, it’s always fun to look back after years have passed.  ~ Mauricio Acuña

Does your company have a tradition like this? How do you commemorate your team and document events from year to year?  Share your stories via  @echotapebrands via Facebook, Twitter or LinkedIn

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