All in the Family

Consider this:  A business run by a team of family members is more resilient and more likely to succeed than any other kind of company. Not as likely. More likely.  We like to believe we’re a living example of that adage.

ECHOtape was started by Stanley Edelstein, and it’s now managed by a second generation of Edelsteins.  BUT what really makes ECHOtape a family business are the other families within.  Like Darren and Kevin Quesnel, and Mike and Stephen Grevatt. [Read about them here!]

And this summer, we added a third generation to the mix!

Jimmy Berghello worked for ECHOtape for 10 years before retiring.  In fact, this 76-year-old still comes back to work special projects and odd jobs just because he loves working and he loves the business.

This summer, Jimmy encouraged his grandson, Preston —  who also happens to be Darren Quesnel’s nephew — to apply.  Preston is just a student right now, but this summer he got to work alongside his grandfather on a relabeling job!

“Preston used to come to our holiday parties as a baby!” says Cherie Edelstein. ” Although he doesn’t remember it, there are pictures on our wall! Grandfather, son-in-law and grandson. We really are a family-oriented company. “

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