WANTED: Tape Tips for Day 1 @ The International Builder’s Show

It’s a well-known fact that we are kind of obsessed with tape around here. In fact, we’ve spent a good amount of time this past year documenting all kinds of tape tips, tricks and projects for our blog. But we’ve decided to mix things up a bit in 2015, and take TAPED on the road, #irl if you know what we mean. (If you don’t, that okay too. IRL is slang for “in real life”.)
That’s right… We want to hear from you!
Starting Tuesday January 20, we’ll be at the Las Vegas Convention Center attending the NAHB International Builders’ Show, and we’re inviting you to stop by booth #C8309 and share your best Repair or Insulation tape tip. We’ll be filming short videos of your tips, snapping pics with the ECHOtape’s #LetsTalkTape sign and then sharing these tips across our all marketing channels. It’s a great way for savvy contractors, builders and construction pros get some media love, and receive free samples of ECHOtape’s Repair or Insulation product line.
“We are committed to working with contractors and helping them find the right tape for their applications and projects, as well as developing new products to meet their needs,” says Risa Edelstein, director of marketing for ECHOtape. “Getting these products in your hands and being able to hear your feedback, gives us invaluable information about how to improve our tape lines. Plus, it’s just going to be a lot of fun!”
Contractors, builders and you — yes, you! — can join the conversation with ECHOtape by using the hashtag #LetsTalkTape on Twitter, Facebook, Google+, and Instagram.