All Fore Fun! ECHOtape’s Annual Golf Tournament Honors Family, Business

One of the privileges of being a family run business is that on special occasions we get to celebrate together like a family should. ECHOtape has made it an annual tradition to celebrate the success of being a family business by hosting a golf tournament in Montreal, the place where it all began.

All Fore Fun in Montreal | | Via TAPED, the ECHOtape blog
All “fore” fun! That was the name of the game at ECHOtape’s Annual Golf Tournament in Montreal.

This year, ECHOtape flew up all of our sales reps from around the USA and Canada and gathered for some golf, food, drinks, and lots and lots of fun. Even our company’s suppliers and partners, with whom we work daily, were invited to bring their spouses and significant others to the event. They too are like family, and some suppliers, having been part of ECHOtape’s vision for decades, helped sponsor the event to make it all happen.

ECHOtape's West Coast Team | via TAPED, the ECHOtape blog
They came, they saw, they conquered… ECHOtape’s dynamic West Coast Team.

The day unfolded with uncertain weather, raining early, but cleared up enough later in the day so that most golfers were able to finish their round. Golfing groups who signed up to play kicked things off late morning, and played Las Vegas style where best ball wins, ensuring that weekend duffers as well as more serious golfers were able to enjoy the outing. A BBQ lunch gave the groups a chance to relax and enjoy each others’ company, after which the groups finished up on the course. After the golfers had a chance to get cleaned up, they joined the rest of the attendees who skipped the golf and came for cocktail hour and dinner.

All Fore Fun - ECHOtape's Annual Golf Tournament | via TAPED, the ECHOtape blog
What’s a party without an emcee?? Mike G, our VP of Sales, working the mic.

Before dinner got underway, ECHOtape took the opportunity for both fun as well as serious awards. Plenty of awards were handed out for the golf outing results (such as best drive) to go along with plenty of door prizes to acknowledge all of the competitors, as well as a round of Karaoke competition. On a more important note, we presented annual service awards to recognize the dedication that a number of our people have shown during their careers, sometimes spanning decades! This year we had plenty of five year anniversary awards, one 20 year award, and one 30 year award! This type of honor is truly special because it supports our view that we are a family business, but our family comes first.

All Fore Fun - ECHOtape's Annual Golf Event is a Smashing Success | via TAPED, the ECHOtape blog
And then… the karaoke happened.

In our day to day work life, we often forget about how many peoples’ lives interact with each other to get things done, often because we don’t see them. Our Montreal trip is a chance to remedy that, because we are able to bring many people together who work out of their home offices as well as members of the team that come from the sales office to the warehouse to operations to finance. We all make a difference together, and this is a chance for mutual recognition.

All Fore Fun at ECHOtape's Annual Golf Tournament | via TAPED, the ECHOtape blog
It’s all fun and games until someone has to skip rope.

Our event was a huge success in large part through the effort and coordination of our Director of Human Resources, Ilana Perlman, whose tireless work made it our most attended event yet. Because the turnout was so grand, we got to showcase what makes us special – the amazing people who give their all to the company every day. Seeing everyone present also makes us realize that while we are a family-run business and every employee, supplier, and partner is part of that family and makes a difference.  Most importantly, without each and every person, ECHOtape would not be what it is today.

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