Power to the People – ECHOtape 2015 Yearbook

As we wrap up the year, it’s only natural to think back over the past 12 months and wonder… Should Mike really sing karaoke? How on earth did we really get through that HomeDepot.com project? OMG! And that one time where things got really hairy?

Certainly, we took on some exciting projects, had impressive breakthroughs, employed bright new minds, or even threw fabulous work functions, all in a tangible effort to improve how we work together. In fact, looking back, if I had to choose just one word to describe 2015 at ECHOtape, it would be “teamwork.” With the help of a consultant, we have been working hard to shift away from our out-dated “silo” mentality and move toward a more cross- functional, collaborative approach to running the business and position ourselves for growth.  Has it been challenging? Absolutely! But worth every minute.

This year’s Company Yearbook – which HR puts together annually for everyone at ECHOtape  – helps capture the year in all of its glory, celebrating our accomplishments and milestones and most importantly celebrating each and every employee at ECHOtape.   As with previous editions, everyone in the company contributes to the Yearbook but no one sees the final version until it is handed out the day before Christmas.  So it really is a big surprise, especially the cover and the cover theme. As you can see, the theme this year was in fact teamwork.  As we head into 2016, we will continue to work on our team building skills, ready for the challenges and opportunities that will unfold in the new year.

Happy new year to all of you!

The People behind the Tape | ECHOtape's 2015 Company Yearbook

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