Facial Hair Frenzy – ECHOtape Joins Movember movement

Handlebar or pencil? Trucker or rock star? More importantly, what is it about November that has men looking like hairy Hollywood villains by Thanksgiving?
Growing out one’s facial hair for 30 days is called “Movember”, and it’s meant to raise awareness for cancer. It’s also a chance for dudes to show off their ‘staches, goatees, Fu Manchus, mutton chops and other furry face-warmers.
And this year, ECHOtape is joining the movement!
So what exactly is Movember? According to the Movember Foundation, what began in Australia in 2003 to raise awareness for prostate and testicular cancer, quickly surged to a global initiative. In fact, the non-profit Foundation raised nearly $21 million in 2013.
“We are all about the mustache and only the mustache,” said Movember’s U.S. Director Mark Hedstrom. “What we’re asking men to do is participate by changing their appearance. What that fosters is a conversation.”
From there, Hedstrom said men can explain why they’re growing a mustache and start talking about men’s health.
Gender is one of the strongest and most consistent predictors of health and life expectancy. For men, this is not good news. On average, across the world, men die 6 years earlier than women. The impact of prostate and testicular cancer on lives is substantial, with prostate cancer being the second most common cancer in men worldwide
Which is why THE MOtastic ECHOtapers were created. Participation is simple. Go to Movember.com
· Sign up by giving your email and creating a password
· Fill in the section for your name and postal code or zip
· Click on join a team (click on the picture)
· Enter our team name The MOtastic ECHOtapers
· Click join
· You will be given an address that you can pass along to family and friends so they can access the page to donate.
· For those of you thinking about joining, but aren’t sure what kind of ‘stache you want, here are some options for you!
Beginning November 1, MO BROS can grow their moustache until November 30. MO SISTAS may also join, and simply help their male colleagues, family and friends raise funds and awareness for men’s health issues. All month long, you can visit our Movember team page to monitor our fundraising progress and newest team members!!