Out With the Old; In With the New!

If you strike me down, I will become more powerful than you can possibly imagine.”

And so were the last words of Jung Chang (affectionately known to the crew as “JC”) as he faded into the sweet good night. After 15 years of dedicated service with our ECHOtape Production staff, JC bids the company fare well. Fifteen years is a long time, and JC’s love/hate relationship with the staff and electricians finally comes to a close.

ECHOtapes heads into 2015 with new equipment | via TAPED, the ECHOtape blog
Sending Jung Chang off to his Golden Retirement in Scrap Metal Heaven

JC has supported ECHOtape’s business growth over the years and we are proud to have him counted as part of our team. He will be greatly missed, maybe. Sort of. Never-the-less, we thank JC for all of those dedicated years of service. As we offer Rafik and Romeo some Kleenex during this emotional time, we are sending JC off to his Golden Retirement in Scrap Metal Heaven, where apparently he thinks he’s going to transform into a fire-breathing winged robot unicorn.

Moving forward, we welcome our newest piece of equipment, which is a beautiful, state-of-the-art four shaft Turret Slitter. Our new investment has finally arrived and is going to do great work in improving the precision and efficiency of ECHOtape’s cutting capabilities. We can now program set patterns of all sizes for our products, adjust the blade angle to trim material more efficiently, and cut from wider material with more precision . These improvements might seem small but their impact will be huge as it improves our overall product quality and turnaround times.

tate-of-the-art four shaft Turret Slitter. Our state-of-the-art four shaft Turret Slitter will improve the precision and efficiency of ECHOtape’s cutting capabilities.
Our state-of-the-art four shaft Turret Slitter will improve the precision and efficiency of ECHOtape’s cutting capabilities.

Our warehouse management team including Darren and John have been preparing for this installation for months, coordinating everything efficiently so that delivery and installation was completed without a hitch! Along with Romeo, the trio worked throughout the day and evening in order to get the new equipment up and running and we applaud them for their efforts. Their work exemplifies our dedication to ECHOtape’s customers, because through their effort we experienced minimal down time and were able to continue with our high standard of uninterrupted service.

Equipment Upgrades Invest in the Future | via TAPED, the ECHOtape blog
We are very proud to see our new equipment running every day, we are thankful to those who have dedicated their time and efforts to bring the upgrade about, and we look forward to seeing more investments in 2015!

Although we’re sad to see JC go, everyone in Production and the warehouse is excited to begin using the new machinery!

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