S(h)aving Lives

For 14 years, ECHOtape has asked: How much is a great shave worth?

The answer… $65,372.18.

That’s how much ECHOtape has raised during Shave to Save, Virgin Radio 96’s annual fundraising drive for the Quebec Breast Cancer Foundation.  Since it’s inception, Shave to Save has helped raise more than $5.2 million for breast cancer research and treatments.

ECHOtape has strongly supported the event since 2001, the only company to participate 14 years in a row.  “It’s been something that our entire company has embraced, and looked forward to year after year. We’ve had three women do it, and three people have actually done it twice, including Mike Grevatt, our VP of Sales & Marketing, who was also the first,” says Director of Marketing Risa Edelstein.

While ECHOtape has decided to break from tradition this year, choosing to participate in Movember,  Shave to Save is still something we honor and celebrate. Here’s what three of our past Shavers had to say:

MICHAEL GAUTHIER, Shave to Save 2012

Shave to Save M.Gauthier | via TAPED, the ECHOtape blog

What made you volunteer? Unfortunately, everyone has someone in their life who has been affected with this cancer.  1 in 8 women develop breast cancer in their lifetime.  With 3 daughters, one grand-daughter and a wife, the odds are much higher it will hit close to home.  As a husband, father and grandfather,  I feel it was/is my duty to do what I can to protect the women in my life, no matter how small or big the gesture.

How has breast cancer impacted your life? Besides the above, I dedicated my shaving to 2 survivors.  My cousin, who developed breast cancer in her mid- twenties taught us what true courage really is, and one of my best friends who throughout the ordeal, grew closer and tighter with her husband and saved their marriage.

What was the best part of participating? Knowing that down the road, my efforts may result in the protection of my girls.

COREY O’CONNOR, Shave to Save Date 2014

ECHOtape Donates $2433 to Breast Cancer Charities | via TAPED, the ECHOtape blog

What made you volunteer? I just felt compelled to volunteer and raise money for a good cause. In my opinion, doing good shouldn’t have ulterior motives; it is something everyone should strive to do.

What was the best part of participating? Seeing how excited and motivated everyone got to support me and raise as much money as possible.

If you could nominate one famous person, who would it be and why? Donald Trump. The reason is obvious, don’t you think?

PATRICIA VILLENEUVE, Shave to Save  2005

Shave To Save P. Villeneuve 2005 | via TAPED, the ECHOtape blogWhat made you volunteer?  I wanted to be a part of the thousands that are trying to conquer  it.

How has breast cancer impacted your life?   I have been fortunate in that anyone I knew with the disease is now a survivor.

What was the best part of participating?  The support of those around me.

If you could nominate one famous person, who would it be and why?  Patricia Arquette. She takes a very strong position on Women and women’s Rights.

ECHOtape Celebrates 14 years of Shave to Save | via TAPED, the ECHOtape blog

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