Holidays at ECHOtape – Making Merry, Mischief and Magic!

Thanksgiving kicks off holiday party season, and at offices around the country, this means co-workers will make merry – and mischief – under the mistletoe. ECHOtape is certainly no exception.

In fact, the annual holiday party is a powerful tradition of revelry here at ECHOtape. For one thing, it brings people closer together, reminding us to stop the busy cycle of life long enough to reconnect and build bonds.



Okay, okay. Really, it’s just an excuse to let our hair down and have a good time. To laugh out loud. To eat too much. To spill drinks. And to dance like no one is watching. (Oh, but we are!)

Hosted on a weekend, it’s a loud, messy, hilarious affair geared to bond employees and their kids with family and friends. There’s Ishkabibble the Magician who has thrilled children for 20 years.



And Santa Claus always makes an appearance after lunch, taking a break from the North Pole to deliver early gifts thoughtfully curated by his favorite elf – the ECHOtape CEO, Marilyn Edelstein.



Between baking the turkey and Black Friday and holiday travel stresses, it is easy to forget the holiday season is meant to bring families together to give thanks and celebrate life.  By hosting our holiday party early, and making it a family affair, we’ve created an event that the whole company looks forward to each year. It really is my favorite time of year.

Here is wishing you, your families and friends a wonderful holiday season!


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