Shave to Save Turns Ordinary Employees Into Heroes

How much is a great shave worth? Well, if you’re Corey O’Connor, $2433.16. That’s the amount he helped us raise at our annual Shave to Save event.

ECHOtape Donates $2433 to Breast Cancer Charities | via TAPED, the ECHOtape blog

Shave to Save is Virgin Radio 96’s annual fundraising drive for the Quebec Breast Cancer Foundation, but ECHOtape has strongly supported the event since it’s inception in 2001, the only company to participate 14 years in a row.

“The first person to bravely volunteer for Shave to Save was Mike Grevatt, our VP of Sales & Marketing, who kicked off our first year,” said Director of Marketing Risa Edelstein. “Since then, dozens of employees have volunteered. We’ve had three women do it, and three people have actually done it twice, including Mike. It’s an event the entire company looks forward to year after year.”

O’Connor, this year’s shavee, threw his locks into the ring just after last year’s shave.

“How can you not be inspired when your co-workers and management volunteer year after year?” said O’Connor. “It was an honor to follow in their footsteps to support such a great cause.”

ECHOtape Employee Corey O'Connor Goes Under the Blade for Shave to Save | via TAPED, the ECHOtape blog

Every October, as part of Breast Cancer Awareness month, ECHOtape organizes various fundraisers leading up to the Shave to Save event, including a Bowl-A-Thons, Pool-A-Thons, bake sales, auctions, raffles, pay to wear your jeans to work, Slave to Shave (auction off the Executive Management to be slaves for a day), BBQs and more.

Shaving and Baking for #S2S2014 | via TAPED, the ECHOtape blog

Shave to Save Touches Lives at ECHOtape | via TAPED, the ECHOtape blog

This year’s event raised $2433.16, bringing ECHOtape’s 14 year total to $65,136.18.

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